Sunday, May 03, 2009

31 Years of Don

Don said himself that he was completely unimpressed by the idea of turning 31. It seems like the most insignificant birthday he's had to date. Your twenties are pretty exciting, all of the momentum gaining up toward the big 30. Then it finally culminates, and guess what you just keep ticking away and continue to get older. Birthdays after you turn 30 I think just don't have the same significance anymore.
Additionally, I had also made a big blunder and mixed up my instant messaging conversations earlier in the week so I accidentally disclosed to Don all of the birthday presents he was getting thinking I was chatting with Jeremy, so I ruined the one surprise/excitement factor that there was to look forward to. So needless today, Don didn't have any specific feelings/excitement/inclinations toward how he wanted to spend his 31st Birthday.
His priorities were pretty much what they are every other day which may be a reflection of aging. He just wanted to spend time with friends, enjoy some good food, and appreciate being thought of. So two days before the party I came up with the brilliant idea of having an appetizer party and put out a quick evite. We knew it was last minute so weren't expecting a big crowd, but just about everyone from the main crew made it and we had a really nice time. It was a very busy morning for me as I recently undertook the task of training for a half marathon with my sister in law so in addition to grocery shopping, food prep, and cleaning, I also had to squeeze in a 6 mile run. But it all worked out and we got to enjoy a really lovely evening with some great friends and phenomenal food. Appetizer party, by the way... Huge hit! We all ate too much to be sure, but it won't stop us from doing it again.

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our lovely spread.

Top: Mango Salsa, Guacamole, Traditional Salsa
Bottom: Pizza Bites, Grapes, Cracked Black Pepper Crackers, Prosciutto

Salsa Sampler

Triple Cream Baked Brie & Cranberries in a sourdough Bread Bowl

Sliders with Shallot Dijon Relish and Smoked Grilled Jalapeno Poppers wrapped in Turkey Bacon

I don't think Don and I will every make a regular burger again. The sliders were just too delicious and great for a party atmosphere!

Food brings people together. Here is a symbol of friendship if I've ever seen one. All of our rings hang out together while we get into the food prep.

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