O.K. So today work was CRAZY. And I don't just mean crazy as in so busy I couldn't keep my head on straight. I mean crazy as in literally PSYCHOTIC. So apparently the owner of the company is a difficult man to work for. He is the guy that pays me but who I never actually work with because I have the one job in the actual company that he knows absolutely nothing about. For the most part he leaves us alone down here (where we have been delegated to the basement dungeon) and lets Steve and I run our little operation and basically trusts us to do it right. Well, Mr. Moneybanks insisted several months back that we do a loan for his "friend" against the advice of our credit department. And of course, as we suggested in the first place, now the loan is in default. We have been working with the guy along the way collecting small payments at a time and trying to drag it out while he gets his act together, as the owner instructed us to. Well, all of a sudden he is done waiting and he wants this taken care of NOW!
So my poor boss Steve is running back and forth upstairs and downstairs all day being called into his office and chewed out and demanding that this be immediately rectified while I am racing through internet adds and calling collection agencies all day long to find out who can get us what he is asking for and save Steve's head from the chopping block. Apparantly, we were not the only ones to receive this happy treatment today. It sounds like the whole company was getting chewed out for one reason or another all because Grumpy broke his bleeping Blackberry and was in a bad mood. So of course while everyone else in the company was getting chewed out, lucky me stayed down in my little hidey hole and did my best to help save Steve's skin.
Anyway, it's not so bad, since again, the man doesn't know anything about equipment financing therefore he can't micromanage and basically leaves us alone to do our thing down here. And even when he does go bezerko it doesn't effect me that much directly. But it sure makes for a high strung environment being around such insane stress levels. While it hasn't sent me fleeing exactly, it has helped me to clinch what I was already suspecting before, that this is not a place that I see myself long term and has given me enough license to start at least looking at and entertaining other opportunities. I would hate to leave my boss to fend for himself and in an ideal world I would like to be here until we had grown enough for me to get all of our procedures running smoothly and have trained some really good replacement staff. Even if we never make it strong as a business, I could still get another 6 months to a year out of this job on a really nice income. Which is actually the perfect opportunity to comfortably start looking and marketing myself out there with enough patience to wait for that perfect job.
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Wow, it does sound like you had a crazy day!! Sounds like you'll really need a nice vacation this weekend....maybe I should come over!!! ;o)
I bet we could place you quickly! :)
That sounds like a staffing manager if I've ever heard one!
Not yet but hopefully sooner rather than later. The job keeps changing and it's driving me crazy. I can't keep up!
Oh my GOD, this weather sucks. Please tell me you're AC will be on tomorrow? :D
Ok, just checking to make sure it's working. :)
I will bring books 4 and 5 tomorrow.
Help meeeeeee, I'm mellllllttiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg!!!!
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